Monday, January 21, 2013

Reading to Baby

 One of my delights during this pregnancy has been reading to my growing baby. When I first found out I was pregnant I picked out two books to read every day to my baby. The Tomten and the Fox by Astrid Lindgren is one of them.
These are two little table puppets I made for when my son is older.
I love this book. It has a beautiful and rhythmic flow to it, and I have a feeling this story will be with us for a long time. I've read that babies start to recognize voices and word patterns starting at 20 to 25 weeks in utero. By reading to your children while they are still in the womb your baby can connect with you, recognize your voice, and (if you use the same books over and over again) the rhythm will help sooth them even after they are born. Even Bear has read to RP a few times and RP does recognize the sound of his Poppie's voice now. This is such a lovely way to bond with your baby before he or she is born and I highly recommend this to mums everywhere. I love these moments and will miss them once RP is born, but then we get the joy of reading to him while holding him in our arms.
Take care and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy, Appleshoe!
    How lovely that you do this reading to your unborn baby!
    Snow greetings from Holland (our world is white right now).
